To taste and see the beauty of the LORD
from nation to nation, city to town,
no matter what family or people group, time or season...
To be awakened day by day
to the eternal greatness of our LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ.
To allow the love of our heavenly Father
access to our hearts,
As He is revealed by His Holy Spirit
In the knowing of His Son Jesus,
whom loves in an ever present way.
Whispering words of truth into my heart.
Of His holy powerful love.
Allowing my eyes to see His longings,
The love for us revealed in everything created by His hand.
Allowing my ears to hear the gentle whispers
of His thoughts towards us_ the desires of my Beloved's heart.
Pure in every way,
Passionate beyond measure.
From the adornment of colour upon each waking day,
to the fragrance of love found in a tendered garden,
to the peaceful breeze, which gently rests for a moment upon my sun soaked skin,
filled with the echo's of summer's delight...
a bird's song, children's laughter, the constant sound of a sprinkler set upon freshly cut grass...
All causing joy in my spirit and a song in my heart
for the One who created this for my enjoyment, to meet with Him.
As i sit still before my Beloved His smile is so clear to me,
as i enjoy Him, and He enjoys me.
i am filled with a sigh of delight.
It is by grace and His loving power
that i have come to know...
that He is no longer my Master,
but He is my Husband,
my Maker and my Friend.
This i know He'll never leave me,
for His love it never ends.
His desire is towards me,
Moreso each day i see
that i have been set upon His heart...
Not by obligation or by guilt,
but by choice and His deep love for me.
His fiery love is as strong as death,
He has revealed it throughout the ages.
For my Maker, my Husband
He is a jealous God...
Revealed to all creation.
For He has chosen us to be His bride.
Allow your eyes to be opened,
and your heart to know,
For His Spirit to bring wisdom,
Revealing your Bridegroom's Holy Passionate love.
So come LORD fill our hearts with a love song,
That our lips may sing back to You.
Envelop our eyes with Your beauty,
And opur ears with Your gentle kisses of truth.
That we may be awakened
to the knowledge and delight in You.
Let me sit at Your feet and hear the secrets of Your heart,
Let my eyes behold the truth,
Let me recieve the good part.
For You are the I AM, the I WAS, and the I WILL ALWAYS BE,
You are God who is love,
God who is jealous for Your bride to be.
So i am choosing to stop doing,
all things i think should be done,
and simply start being
and enjoying my Bridegroom's love.