i have been confronted ALOT of late... more i guess by the reality that GOD is GOD... He's Sovereign and well i am not i am simply dust or bone... Therefore i am truly humbled that Jesus the complete or perfect One of full deity and power of all powers having no restrictions other then the truth of who He is, that of His nature and character, became out of His own will, out of His love, out of His compassion, His mercy, His loving kindness, His goodness and faithfulness... in the fullness of truth He came and put on the bonds of flesh becoming even an unborn fetus in the womb of Mary... where He gave up His freedom of the use of His power so to speak and entrusted His Father with His life, only using this power when His Father gave it to Him from on high.
Jesus fully God became COMPLETELY Man.

He knows the pains we go through in our weak human state, He knows the emotions we feel, He knows the joys as well as the sorrows for He too felt the effect of weak flesh... yet still He did not sin. He was tempted in every way yet still He did not sin.
He knows.
Yeshua, the Jesus Christ, a Jewish Man... who was in His Fathers Kingdom- a perfect Kingdom the greatest Kingdom filled with the fullness of life of love of joy of delight... the glorified state of smell, taste, sounds, sights, and textures in a completely pure, perfect, holy way. Yet He was sent with His Fathers blessing so that we could also enter into the fullness of His Fathers joy. For we were created by God to walk with Him in the beauty of His holiness revealed in all that was created...
Then in our weakness, in our complete lack, sin entered.... for ALL have fallen short of the glory of God, we ALL are in need of salvation which can only come through ONE that is the ONLY MAN who walked the earth and DID NOT SIN, even though He was tempted in every way.
Therefore we see He is the only pure and spotless who could be sacrificed, He is the only ONE who could bear the judgement of sin which is death.
Yeshua, fully Man yet fully God, was led to the slaughter like a silent lamb.
He went not kicking and screaming... which i often do when Abba Father is disciplining me- O Lord forgive me for i do not truly know the effect of sin, the complete death and destruction in which sin has not only upon me but on all around- for all creation waits and groans for You O Lord to come Judge sin.
Lord Jesus, Yeshua would You help me...
Help me to see the true reality of sin... that it is not pleasure... it is death and destruction... in the fullest state of death... eternal... this one You created to walk with You in the beauty of Your holiness to be loved by You and to love You... sin cuts me completely from You for You are a Holy God... the only way i become holy is by Your blood which covers me... the way i begin to walk into the fullness of this reality is by another generous gift You have given Your precious Holy Spirit working in me to bring about a completed one ready to stand face to face with her Holy God, her Father, her Husband to stand before You both in holiness. So thank You Abba Father for You are so good to me, to us, You are so merciful and kind sending Your very Holy Spirit revealing the beautiful and terrifying mysteries of Your promise to us Your chosen, revealed to many prophets of old seen in Your very word, the Bible which You have made accessible to us.
Abba Father, our glorious Father, would You give to us revelation by Your ever present Holy Spirit of the truth of sin and death the truth of covenant Your holy blood making atonement bringing me into life eternal life into a beautiful Kingdom into the loving arms of my Holy Father... Help me Yeshua, help us to see what You have done, help us to know that even right now You are pouring Your heart out in intercession to Your Father on our behalf... Help us Holy Spirit that we would know the depth, the height, the length and the width... the fullness of our Makers love for us.
Help us LORD for we are weak but You are strong.