Today i was overwhelmed by the mercy of God... i mean this is GOD the HOLY GOD of Israel...
HOLY in every way,
PERFECT in every way,
WISE in every way,
GOOD in every way,
RIGHTEOUS in every way,
KIND in every way...
well there is not enough pages upon the face of the earth or ink to write all of who God is and to be honest with you i have no idea of the fullness of who God is but what He has revealed is well i am speechless.
This morning God wanted to remind me and reveal to me His mercy... i don't want to write this is a non shalaunt way, (ok i was super bad at english so you're gunna have to over look my lack, sorry), so please just let the weight of this rest upon you as you read and i pray that Abba would give to you His Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation so that He may reveal this to you, cause i know this isnt gunna come out right... so hang in there... or better yet get your bible turn to Hebrews 4:15-16 and sit at Jesus feet for a while and let Him by His Spirit speak some truth into your heart this day/night.
"For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathise with our weaknesses, but was tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need."
Jesus, the great High Priest, has yet again given this weak heart strength and heard my faint cry for help. i am in awe and totally in love with my Merciful Maker.
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