Monday, July 14, 2008

i am alive

hey everyone.... just a short email to say sorry for the broken communication.

it seems that blogging is not working as i had planned, so i am afraid i will most probably not be posting many more... well at least not as frequently.#

i am currently in Ireland... extremely green here.

i leave on the 15th for England once more just for the night then i catch the train to France i will be for 3 days then onto our friends in Germany for around ten days or so.

I fly back to England on the 30th July for 3 days then onto Israel... where i am to be for 20days. This is a place i am intrgued to see... also am looking forward to spending time in there prayer room.....

From Israel to Thailand for 9 days then back to Oz for a few weeks to spend time with family and friends before returning home to New Zealand... this should be around mid september.

Well friends and family i will try post again but forgive me if this does nott happen.

love you all much