I wrote this on Christmas day...
Alana my friend here it finally is... 8)
...and for every other eye that falls upon this page may you be blessed and brought close to the heart of my King... Jesus.
The culmination of the Ages...
The unifying of all of life's stories...
The sound of rushing mighty wind breathing upon the dry bones...
The eternal Word bringing forth His bride from the nations...
Resounding with the glory of their Maker their Beloved,
Arising to meet Him, as the earth shakes with violence and the face of many grow pale.
His burning ones arise, filled with His glory filled with His beauty filled with His very breath His very life.
Her heart is brought forth in love, even in the darkest hour of history...
She cannot deny her Beloved for her heart beats with His,
For her mouth pours forth words she recalls from the secret place of His heart being poured into hers...
Her lips drip with honey and myrrh,
Flowing from an unquenchable flame which burns brightly at the core of her being...
This heart of hers is His, every part of it.
She has called for the winds to come and blow on her heart,
That the fragrance of her Beloved would flow forth,
From the bed of spices He laid so tenderly within the depths of her heart...
He has tendered her garden,
And she has kept it for Him.
She has heard HIs cry to arise and willingly she rises.
As He gives her heart strength to walk into the dark hour.
She fears not, as He has filled her to overflowing with HIs perfect love.
She knows He is with her, for she is abiding in Him.
He is her confidence...
This is my Beloved One, in whom I live and breath,
In whom I have found freedom, in whom has spoken hope to this weary soul,
In whom she finds all her delight.
He is faithful in revealing the destructiveness of all other lovers,
Who have tempted her to leave her first love,
To wonder from this perfect love,
Her Prince of Peace,
Who has called her His very own.
This is my Beloved One...
He draws me ever so near that I may see,
That I may taste,
That I may smell,
That I would know Him in the FULLNESS!
His goodness cannot be denied.
Although He is gentle and tender towards my heart,
He is also zealous that I would know Him in every area of my life...
Jealous that I would know His face, His heart beat for me...
Therefore a most vehement flame is set upon every other lover that tries
to take this heart away from HIm...
And that same flame, the fire of Yahwah, the fire of God Himself,
my Beloved One...
Is set upon my heart,
That I may know His great love for me.
I am sealed by His love His flame,
That burns ever so brightly upon my heart.
I am sealed for my Beloved One...
My forever King...
He has called me His own,
He has given me the honor of taking His name.
The Holy One Himself has cleansed me
So that I may walk hand in hand with Him.
Even here, now, across this land.
Surrounded by darkness, defilement and evil work...
Jesus calls me to arise, covers me with His Holiness,
Fills me with His Spirit of Holiness, and causes
This once dark heart and clouded mind defiled in every way,
Causes me to shine forth His flame,
And sets me ablaze in His unfailing love.
This love that cannot be destroyed...
This love that has eternal lengths...
From before the earth was formed,
His heart beat for us...
Even when this age ends,
and nothing but eternity future is left,
Still His heart will burn for us!
This God who is love...
A Pure Love..
In whom there is no defilement...
This Love is found nowhere else,
It comes from the One true God...
Who Is alive and longs for His return
to these who are called by His name.
So we join in the song of the Ages,
And we cry with Your Spirit
Come, my Beloved One, Come
Make the wrong things right...
Come.May all who read this be awakened to what the Spirit of the Living God is saying to us this day...
ANd my prayer is that you too would join in this song.