As the hour draw near to my departure date, a few realities set in that i didn't want to think about and some of my fears that had been hiding became evident as Holy Spirit revealed these areas of my heart.
Abba, in His goodness towards me, did not just want to leave these fears unveiled but He wanted to set His truth into my heart and give His peace to me.
i remember a few days before leaving, i was afraid of travelling alone. That night in the prayer room i knew i needed to be real about this before Abba, and ask Him to help me... more then anything at that time i knew i needed to trust who He was and place this into His hands knowing He would care for this. That night i was woken from my sleep, i knew it was the LORD He wanted to talk with me. Normally i am not the quickest at waking up but my spirit and mind was clear and alert when He woke me.
As the LORD began to speak into my spirit, i was aware of His might and power, He spoke three simple lines...
'Why fear? For I WILL be with you.
Why fear? For I AM going with you.
Why fear? For I AM coming with you.'
These words caused this fear and concern i had to flee... it had no chance to cause havic with in my heart or mind. I remember saying 'thank You LORD... WOW you certainly answered my cry quickly.' I awoke the next morning confident that i had nothing to fear for God WAS, IS and WILL BE with me.
Still a fox was to be found lingering within my heart, but my Maker my Husband was not going to let it destroy the work of His hand.
I was scared of leaving the safe place i was in, the safe and loving community i had found myself in... the Holy Spirit revealed to me that i was afraid of leaving this place for an extended season... He showed me a picture of my hands. They were holding tightly onto something, causing my knuckles to go white, for i was afraid to let go and leave this community. Jesus moved quickly to answer my questions and set at ease my heart. He sent someone to pray for me, a faithful friend and sister, in her prayer she answered all the questions i had only a few minutes earlier asked the LORD... only He had heard these cry's of my heart... i knew He was answering me and setting at ease my heart once more.
He spoke to me that He was the One who lead me to this family, into this sanctuary and that He would lead me to pools of water in the desert, He would place people beside me as He did here. I had failed to recognise that He was the One who had provided for me here... both physically and spiritually. He had cared for me and tended to the needs of my heart and that He would be the One to refresh me, sustain me and love upon me, He would care for me as i went from this place.
In His lovingkindness He was causing me to see and know that He was and is my security, SECURE IN CHRIST ALONE. Therefore i am in the safest place in Him... leading me each step... my foot in His footprint... i am in Him... safe and secure in Him.
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