[From Thursday, June 21, 2007]
the question...
Recently I was asked a question and upon pondering it I thought perhaps it would be a good thing to share with all you who also are following along with me on this journey… and let you all know things have not always been roses, but I'm learning to see that the thorns are just as important as those sweet smelling, extremely beautiful flowers… that is the breath takingly beautiful times with God, are just as significant as the times of wounding and drawing ever so close to the One who knows how being wounded feels. Even in my complete state of brokenness I see the beauty and wisdom of Jesus, the Messiah who chose to be a Bondservant wounded for us, heart broken, and afflicted, pierced upon a cross… so that we might know Love.
My Question?
"How has this internship and time in the prayer room changed your life?"
FIRSTLY… I thought this is a pretty big call_ 'changed your life', but after contemplating the question I would have to say it is extremely TRUE.
RECENTLY God has been talking to me about foolishness and wisdom…
I've become very much aware of the worlds view on just how foolish my lifestyle is in their eyes and how completely unwise it is to not be working and getting yourself a career… how completely foolish it is to be sitting in a room with other people days on end… because this is all they can see… and to tell you the truth, when I first walked into this prayer room that is all I could see until I gave God the time to awaken me to truth.
You see God has been showing me lately that MANY will say I am a fool, just as they said to Noah, just as they called Paul crazy and John a madman… so I will be know by many… BUT am I willing to be a fool in the eyes of the world? Would I listen to the shouts of the world or will I listen to the still quiet voice of my God, who is wiser then men, and even in His weakest state He is far stronger then men… and God in His wisdom has called me to come and sit at His feet, to give Him the time… that He may pour out His wisdom, that HE may pour out His truth to me, awakening me to my true reality… of WHO HE IS and WHO I am to Him… You see I've become more and more aware that all you see on earth is fading away and will fade away and fail at some point the only certainty we have is the Word of God, His Son and His very Spirit knowing the Father has given all these to us as the most precious, extravagant, most expensive gifts you will ever receive, why? Because He loves you.
We read in Matthew 24:1-13 of the wise and foolish virgins… so as God has revealed to me… He has placed me in a house where I am storing up oil, where I am watching and praying, waiting for Him my Maker, my Husband, my Saviour and Friend... Jesus… so here I sit… here I wait… knowing I am exactly where I am meant to be for His Spirit will continue to lead and guide me… and if I am meant to be doing anything else other then what I am doing, than He will most definitely let me know. I trust in His guiding hand.
SO the three questions I felt God asking me…
"What are you doing with your time? All have been given equal time… what are you using your time for? You will be held accountable for the way you have spent your time… how are you using your time?"
"How much do you know My word? Truly know My word? Know that My very breath of life is upon these words… if you truly love Me you would long to find out all about Me… do you know My heart behind these words… the very reason why I expressed these words?"
The last question was… "Do you know Me, My child? Do you know Me as your Father? Do you know Me as your Husband, for I am a jealous Bridegroom who is jealous for your gaze… where are you looking this day? Who has your attention in this hour? For I am jealous for My bride… Do you know that about Me? Do you know ME? Do you know that I am not a taskmaster, but a Lover of you? How well do you know Me? Will you be offended by Me because you didn't know Me, and turn from Me in your offence? Search Me out now while you still can… for a time is coming… an hour is closing in on us, that time will be no more… and you will be accountable… you will be confronted, will you know Me? I want you to recognise Me… so come to Me now, allow Me to offend you now… that you may be un offended on that day."
I have a urgency within my spirit, that we cannot waste our time anymore! So just as I have been challenged I feel it is my responsibility to challenge others…
So my question to you is…
How are you spending your time?
Do you have any oil? Do you know the intimacy of our LORD, Jesus?
Do you know Him, and will you allow Him to offend you now… that you may know Him in a greater way?
Do you know His word, and the heart beat behind those words?
Do you spend times of watching and praying?
Will you allow Him to break into your comfort zones? For in His love He knows you must know Him in ALL areas of your life… Will you allow Him to love you in ALL areas of your life??
We must not turn from the realities we are living in, and try and numb them out with other lovers, be it food, entertainment, people's wisdom, careers, wealth, success, sleeping, reputation or prestige... You know those things that you turn to when things get tough… the other lovers in your life…
Who has your gaze?
We need to live in the true reality of the times we are living in and be turning to our One True Love, the One who first loved us, the One who is Faithful and True, the One who will never fail us is ALWAYS true to His word…. For a day is coming when we will know if we have stored up oil to endure the dark hours of the night… that we may recognise the face of our Lover when we see Him.
Please hear my heart, do not waste that which has been given to you upon those things which will fail you, which will pass away… for we need to be awakened to our TRUE REALITY… We need to be shaken, so as all that is not of eternal value, not of our King Jesus will fall away. That all will remain is TRUTH & HIS GREAT LOVE.
Or will you be like the ones of Noah's day… who said, 'it will never rain'.
Matthew 25
The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins
1 “Then the kingdom of heaven shall be likened to ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. 2 Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3 Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, 4 but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. 5 But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept.
6 “And at midnight a cry was heard: ‘Behold, the bridegroom is coming;[a] go out to meet him!’ 7 Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their lamps. 8 And the foolish said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.’ 9 But the wise answered, saying, ‘No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves.’ 10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut.
11 “Afterward the other virgins came also, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open to us!’ 12 But he answered and said, ‘Assuredly, I say to you, I do not know you.’
13 “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour[b] in which the Son of Man is coming.