I see the color fading from this sunburnt land.
Years of pain, seem to rumble through this nation,
As anger and frustration arise, tormenting a broken generation.
Confusion runs across the minds of many and settles,
As if this is it's home.
A grey cloud filters their gaze,
Causing a dark heavy shadow to fall upon hearts.
Torn inside wanting to escape, yet weak under the power of this darkness.
Merciful Maker,
Would You come shine Your Light
Shatter the darkness of despair.
Merciful Maker,
Come bring Your life into this dark and hurting land.
Merciful Maker,
Call Your Church to "Arise"
Take their stand, Shake off abandonment and rejection of old.
Merciful Maker,
Come clothe Your bride in Your beauty and Your strength,
Wrapped in Your love, Knowing she'd accepted in her Beloved One.
Merciful Maker,
Would You come heal this broken generation,
And the scars that have marred this weary land.
Merciful Maker,
I cry mercy, forgive me and my nation for our stubbornness and pride,
We cry have mercy, would You have mercy,
Come have Your way in this nation,
Destroy the wicked in this land,
Call Your people to come seek Your face,
To humble themselves and pray.

If you have found your eyes upon this page would you join with me in interceding for a nation, Australia the nation God Sovereignly chose for me to be born, a nation in great need of mercy from their Maker, in great need of a Saviour, in great need of knowing they are excepted in the Beloved Lamb of God Jesus Christ, knowing they have been accepted by our Heavenly Father the One who sent His only begotten Son the One who took the spear that they would know He loves them and wants them to eternally live in His Family adopted sons and daughters no longer orphans but sons and daughters of the Living God.... Holy Spirit would You flood this land with Truth would You Abba Father send forth Your Word that Your Son Jesus Christ would be glorified that He would be made known to a broken generation that is in desperate need of the giver of Life eternal the One who made a way for us to enter His Kingdom of Love and of Light forevermore... the One who holds all beauty, the One who gives pleasure forevermore, the only One who can bring this generation from death to life... my King would You arise in this generation and cause this nation to seek Your face, Jesus let Your face shine brightly over this dry and barren land. Have mercy on the nation of Australia, forgive us for our sins and the sins of our fathers, I bring the precious Blood of Jesus before Your throne and cry have mercy on this nation, send Your precious Holy SPirit to flood hearts awaken eyes and cause your loved ones to arise.
Thank you for joining me in prayer please continue to pray for Australia, that we would arise and step into our God given calling. May the Lord strengthen you, may His grace and peace be with you and your family always.