'The mysteries of God are dear to Him, and are concealed until it pleases Him to reveal them. He does not allow them to be understood on the basis of intellectual ability or to satisfy human curiosity. We cannot deduce them by the operation of our minds. They have got to be revealed, and God looks and waits for an attitude of heart and spirit in which there is a reverence and appreciation for mystery. When the revelation comes, we are brought into a high responsibility in God. The promulgation of mystery is not merely for our edification and knowledge. God desires His mysteries to be fulfilled. That is why they are given.'
These are the words of Art Katz. I have come to know him, not face to face, but listening to his words and his heart, I have been blessed... to me he is a Grandfather whom I love and cherish.. who loves me. And there is much he has taught me...
My prayer is that my heart and your heart would have reverence for the One who holds every mystery in His hands, longing and waiting for ones He can reveal them to... let us be ones whom when He looks upon our hearts and in our spirit HE sees an appreciation for Him and His breath takingly beautiful mysteries... Abba that we would know You... that we would be revealers of Your mysteries carrying Your precious truth deep within our hearts... as our lives proclaim these beauties.
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