A solid man of God, with a heart after our King to be glorified, as Jesus truly is worthy... that the Father heart of God would be known... Dennis Glas is his name. A man who fought for me even in some of my most ugliest moments and revealed his love for me to be true & unwavering, not intimidated by any of my mess or my past not even the things that are trying to overshadow me in fear... but he has boldly and confidently proclaimed and revealed his love for me and that together we will walk through ever valley and climb every mountain with God as our strength and shield... Yep you could say I am a VERY happily blessed women who knows our Father in heaven loves us deeply & gives only good gifts... and that this love we have will only grow through the seasons of the soul, as we walk across the unknown and unchartered waters of life, that are set before us....

Yep it's true... I am engaged to an amazing man of God... I have known him for three years, we met through the TAURANGA HOUSE OF PRAYER here in New Zealand... we started dating at the end of last year...
And on March the 13th he got down on one knee and asked me to Marry him... and I said YES... so here we are pretty happy knowing we are going to walk beside one another through every season of the soul and history until death do us part or Jesus splits the sky and we watch an epic ending of this age.
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